Shanganagh Cemetery Headstones
HEADSTONES SHANGANAGH : Shanganagh Cemetery is a Lawn cemetery in South County Dublin, in the administrative county of Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council just to the south of Shankill. The cemetery consists of two areas, on the Dublin Road, the other to the east, on the western side of the railway between Shankill and Bray. Both areas are bounded by Shanganagh Park to the north. It has an area of about 50 acres and is an extension cemetery to Deans Grange Cemetery. Headstone foundation fees here are €249.95 and there is a maximum height restriction of 4 feet with the exception of Celtic Crosses which can be 7 foot tall. FINGAL MEMORIALS carry out Inscription Work, Replacement Headstones, New Memorials etc and the Cleaning and renovation of existing Memorials at Deansgrange Cemetery.
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